Thursday, May 27, 2010


I don't want this chubbiness to go away.  It is too sweet to look at.  I am pretty sure it will stick around for quite some time, because boy can he eat, and eat.  
So, I am thankful for that.  

Monday, May 24, 2010


Yesterday you woke up earlier than jonas and you and I were lying on "grandma's bed" when jonas walked in. I said, "good morning!" And you said, "bru-bru."

You almost said it-brother. Jonas had a big smile on his face. He was happy.

It was adorable!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Early one morning

Angy enjoys being outside more than anything. As soon as he hears the front door opening he starts walking toward it. Then he stands at the doorway and carefully steps down. 
He walks all around the yard, picks up rocks, throws them, looks for and holds on to the hose, points at the ants, climbs on his tricycle.  This was his second time wearing shoes.  He stumbles a little, but he's good at walking in them.  

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A brothers love...


Did you know that there is one person in this house who does not want you to ever cry. Not even for a second. 

This person is your big brother. 

As soon as you let out a whimper while in your crib, Jonas is in there instantly telling you it's okay. But you don't stop because you don't want brother's comfort, you want mine.  So, then I hear, "Mom, Angus needs you.  Hurry, he's crying for you."
He says, "Oh, what a cute little thing." I don't know where he heard it, but he says it when he sees you doing something sweet.  

He even "fixes" your head for you. (Dad knows what I'm talking about.)
You are one lucky baby to have a brother that loves you so much!

Photos by Jonas Armenta